Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Sorry. It's been slow. It's fishin' season. So I'm fishin'. For the "New Guys" here's a pix of "Skana" She's a CLC Chesepaeake 18. My first. She's a good boat. Just doesn't get out much. Here she is on "Mosquito Lagoon".
We were RedFishin'.
This is my SIL, paddlin'.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

"...414". That's "414" stinkin' holes I had to re-drill, 414 dowel plugs to cut, 414 plugs to glue in, 414 plugs to sand off. Well, I got it all done. Filled all gaps in the panels. I sanded the hull, and rounded all the edges. This mornin, I started the staining. The Hull has 3 coats of Water Based MinWax. The first coat was a "Dark Walnut", then I started applying a custom "Ebony" stain. After 2 coats, I think I got what I was looking for. The hull looks alot like the inside of a Whiskey Barrel. The problem with black, every little ding shows up. I guess that adds the character. I then proceeded to the first layer of "Glass"
Of course that wasn't fun. Could have been worse I guess. It's just has be easier with another set of hands.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

.....made progress. I scrapped the starboard side of the hull. Then I started the "painful" task of fillin' holes. Normally durin' the "stitching" process, the panels are brought together and held in place with wires. Holes are drilled in uniformed locations, wired are inserted and twisted (first loosely then tighter) bringing the panels to their correct postition. Some boats are then glued (with an epoxy and wood "flour" ...fine saw dust)mixture from the inside of the hull and fiberglass tape is layed into the glue to set. Then the wires are cut from the outside. This leaves the wires in the glue joint. This kayak is "glued" (minus the fiberglass tape) from the outside. The wires are then removed. This leaves small holes that have to be filled. ...Around probably 200 holes. In addition, I didn't use wire, I used plastic "Zip ties" instead. I drilled 3/32" holes and installed the "ties". I'm sure must people just use epoxy and dab a small amount over the hole, let it dry, then sand it smooth. Well I didn't. I enlarged the hole to 1/8" and for some reason I decided to cut small pieces of 1/8" wood dowel and individually glue the dowels into each hole. ....I wish I had the "Keebler Elves" in my shed helpin' out each night. Instead I think my shed is possessed with lil' demonic sprites. I think they came durin' the night and drilled twice as many holes, as there was initially. Oh well, it's the price you pay I guess. Sorry no pics, just a "Lesson" in Wood boat buildin'.Alright, to keep everything in order. March 31, the evening ..late evening. I set up till midnight. "Burnin' Wood". I still have a lil' wood burning to do. But, the majority of it is done now. Here's some more of the details. Hard to make it out in the photo, but that's a nickel on the left. Here's some more....

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

....damn lil' demonic pixies at it again. The hull has been stitched, taped & tacked. This pix, is after the removal of the "300" zip ties...OK it wasn't 300, just seemed like 300. Anyway, lookin' better then it did. The hull, especially the stern had me worried.
This is the "port" side after 3 hrs of scrapping. Not fun. Here's another.... ..with any luck the hull will be done with the "scrapping" and "sanding", stained and ready for "glass" this week end. "Jack Black" BABY!.....

Saturday, March 24, 2007

...startin' to get somewhere. At least now it's not just a pile of wood. I've got everything cut now. Been up since 4am. I would still be workin' on it, but, I ran out of zip-ties. So I'm off to Lowes.
Yet, again. Unfortunately we have family plans this evening, and a 9 mi paddle tommorrow. The weather is georgeous but I'd rather be workin' on the yak. I'm runnin' outta time. But at least now I think I can finish in time. I want to be done for either the Cobia tournament on 5 May, or if I'm quicker,...there's a tournament for the East Coast Canoe and Kayak Festival in Charleston, SC the end of April. It would be real cool to debut the yak at the kayak festival. Just have to wait and see......

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

....thank godness the weather has let up. Got some work last night. Finally shared this link with " brother from a different mother, down under". Hairmick is an awesome craftsman. Hopefully, someday I can meet up with him over a beer or a tea. Well to give you some perspective to the detail on the "pyrography", here's an example
I had last night to correct some breakage. I was also going to glass my cockpit, but the time involved problem solving the breakage stopped that. I think everything is under control. I'll be doing some more work tonight. Hopefully panels start going together, and all these piles of wood start looking like a boat. some work done. Everything is fitting great. I love days like this I got the first 02 panels stitched together. They fit like a glove. Here's a pic of the cockpit, prior to starting the stitching process. ...and a pic of the backrest. I recessed the upright support channels through the cockpit.The channels form two ribs on the back of the cockpitwall. These ribs will secure the waterproof pelican battery box. My theory with recessing the uprights, was to distribute the forces on the backrest across the whole area of the back wall, while not taking away any cockpit space. The backrest also folds down and sits on the seat to ease transport.

Monday, March 19, 2007

...OK. This crap offically is startin' to suck. I broke 02 more panels. That's like 05 or 06, but who's counting? I think, I have that under control. The cockpit is ready for "glass". The deck only has another 40-60 hrs to go.......What Fun.....

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

....some work accomplished. I was able to get the "battings" installed on the cockpit support frames. There not all in, due to some of the assembly steps I'm holding off on a few for now. I've been waiting on my seat. It's still not in. Doesn't seem too important, but after fabricating the pivoting seat back, I need the seat to make adjustments befoore I start to cut on the cockpit. Then it's 'glass time. Things should start moving a lil' faster here soon. I was unhappy with the "Compostion" of the rear deck. So I added a Jack Daniels Banner, with "Old Time Tennessee Whiskey". I also think I'll add some small scroll work around the picture of Jasper Newton "Jack" Daniel . I received the long awaited seat. Cut and epoxyed the backrest troughs and their bases. I also cut the backrest out. Cut the supports down to size (....I think). I also received a long awaited e-mail from a rudder manufacture in California.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

....well got some work done. Finalized the "Fighting Chair Gimbel".
It was a pain in the butt of course.Cut some of the weight out I hope.
I added some of the battings to the panels. Started assembly of the cockpit. Lots of epoxy drying

Friday, March 2, 2007

...lots of work gettin' done. I am finished "mirroring" my panels. Pretty messy job, lots of saw dust. Only broke 01 panel,a 4a section today ( a crossmember), crappy plywood. I'll have to redo them tommorrow. Up until today, I was only able to do 2 sections a day (rough on the back). Been continuing with the "Deck" work. Alot of time involved so far. But it is looking good so far. Hopefully it will be worthwhile in the long run. I'm almost done with the "Old No. 7 Brand". I have fabricated the "Fighting Chair Gimbel" mounting system, it's aluminum plate, with stainless steel hardware. I've cut the 4" access plate hole through the cockpit floor. I worked on the Forward Cockpit Bulkhead wall. The access door is cut. The opening's reinforcing wood work was completed last night. Recessed Fish Finder box for the door is almost done. It should be completed, and installed this weekend. With any luck, by the beginning of the week, the hull assembly will begin.

Monday, February 26, 2007

"....Gone Fishin' " Well the weather broke a lil' bit. Hadn't been out in a while. Krista (my wife) has been hounding me to go fishin'. We went fishin' on the Combahee River. Didn't catch anything. I received some parts at the end of the week. Started to work on a door on the forward footwell wall, the Old No 7 and the Fighting chair gimble.

Monday, February 19, 2007 over the weekend wasn't condusive to "Epoxy setting". Decided to work on the deck. So far, it has came out pretty good. The whole deck is pyrography artwork. Pyrography is nothing more then "WoodBurning". The problem is, if you make a mistake it's burnt into the wood. Anyway, like I said, the theme is a Jack Daniel's Barrel. The bow has the words "Jack Daniel's", individual oak boards and a Barrel hoop (the only part I'm not too fond of). The Aft Deck has a portrait of "Jack", Old No 7 , individual oak boards. Anyway, did the work with a $10 Walmart WoodBurner special. Ordered parts today. Suppose to warm up some. Hopefully this week will be productive.

Friday, February 16, 2007

...planning on hittin' the yak hard over the weekend. I have most of everything laid out, just waiting on a break in the weather. I have decided on a 4" quarter turn inspection hatch to access the Fighting chair gimble. I'm planning on using the new foam seat from Black Dog Kayaks, instead of the traditional SOT kayak seat arrangement. The seat is a minicell foam seat with hip and thigh pads. I have pretty much convinced myself to finish the kayak in a "Jack Daniels" Whiskey Barrel theme. Planning on wood burning the design on the deck. The "Old No 7 Brand" will be on the bucket recess cover on the rear deck. The bottom of the hull will be Black,(epoxy & wood stain); Carbon epoxy for the lower half. This should help protect the hull from scratches. The cockpit, is going to be Black Epoxy & black wood stain. Should make it look like the charcoal inside of a whiskey barrel. I'm probably going to regret that. I'm sure it's going to get hot. For the rod holders, I have steered away from the original Pursuit, adjustable trax rod holders. I think I'm just going to recess two angled rod holders in the forward deck. Then 3-4 in the converted "Mid deck" area behind the seat. The center one to be home to the RiverRock lantern. Well wish me luck, either the weather warms up, or I'm starting the yak in the house.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

...rough week. I worked on the Cockpit support system. I planned the 3 gal. Bucket recess and cover. I almost completed the wood rudder system. Although I'm not totally pleased with it, I think I'll march on and see how it works before I make a new one. With the cockpit supports cut out, I've been measuring and planning where everything needs to go. It isn't going to work like I wanted it to. The new Wadefish design has dramatically reduced the cockpit size. I have the original Wadefish design, but was offered the Wadefish 2 design. The changes incorporated in the Wadefish 2 were suggested by "HairyMick". The original Wadefish was design for him. He was looking for a fast SOT fishing Kayak, capable of taking rough Australian waters. I could revert back to the original Wadefish, but for now I'll march on. As for the deck, the weight of the strips is increasing the weight too much. Opting to keep it more simple, it is suppose to be a fishin' yak. Luckily (...or unluckily) the plans are in my head. Oh, and just because I'm trying to keep the hull weight down, doesn't mean the yak has to be plain or ordinary. Just stand by. If these guys on TV can make a "Theme" Chopper ..... Why not a "Theme" Kayak. After owning a Lounge for six yrs., being the #1 seller of a certain make, in the entire state of SC (...I even have an autographed 1/2 Gal. bottle Signed by the Master Distiller himself, "Jimmy Bedford" .) and my favorite "Adult Beverage". Well, I still have to force on, I need to be done for Mother's Day (...Cobia Season).

Friday, February 9, 2007

The weather hasn't cooperated very well. Starting a project in the Winter, without having a heated workspace can cause delays. I finished drawing the Hull Panels and got one side of the kayak cut out. I still need to draw and cut the other side of the hull. Man, it's alot of drawing and cutting. I need to remember to buy a CNC Kit next time. For busy work, I designed a wood rudder system. I glued up a Maple and Walnut blank for the rudder blade and shaped it. The rudder pivot is oak and mahagony. It has been sanded down to 220 grit, and looks pretty good. Yesterday, I started a Deck design. I am planning on making a hybrid strip deck. I drew it to size and stareted cutting Mahogony and Wormey Maple strips. Tried a few color combinations out, by laying strips out on a poster board deck. Looks good. Now just to see if I can "Pull it Off". Hopefully it should be a busy weekend.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Well I finally received the plans for the new Kayak. The kayak is named the "Wadefish". It is a 15' long wood Sit On Top (SOT). This meansyour body is in an open cocpit, instead of being inside the kayak and having your legs covered up by the deck of the kayak. The Plans , along with a few "Fresh" ideas should make an interesting Kayak. Since I didn't opt for a "kit", I have to draw and cut each piece from plywood. Today I have started the Layout on a 4x8 sheet of plywood. This is pretty dry stuff right now. SO back to work.