Thursday, March 29, 2007

.....made progress. I scrapped the starboard side of the hull. Then I started the "painful" task of fillin' holes. Normally durin' the "stitching" process, the panels are brought together and held in place with wires. Holes are drilled in uniformed locations, wired are inserted and twisted (first loosely then tighter) bringing the panels to their correct postition. Some boats are then glued (with an epoxy and wood "flour" ...fine saw dust)mixture from the inside of the hull and fiberglass tape is layed into the glue to set. Then the wires are cut from the outside. This leaves the wires in the glue joint. This kayak is "glued" (minus the fiberglass tape) from the outside. The wires are then removed. This leaves small holes that have to be filled. ...Around probably 200 holes. In addition, I didn't use wire, I used plastic "Zip ties" instead. I drilled 3/32" holes and installed the "ties". I'm sure must people just use epoxy and dab a small amount over the hole, let it dry, then sand it smooth. Well I didn't. I enlarged the hole to 1/8" and for some reason I decided to cut small pieces of 1/8" wood dowel and individually glue the dowels into each hole. ....I wish I had the "Keebler Elves" in my shed helpin' out each night. Instead I think my shed is possessed with lil' demonic sprites. I think they came durin' the night and drilled twice as many holes, as there was initially. Oh well, it's the price you pay I guess. Sorry no pics, just a "Lesson" in Wood boat buildin'.Alright, to keep everything in order. March 31, the evening ..late evening. I set up till midnight. "Burnin' Wood". I still have a lil' wood burning to do. But, the majority of it is done now. Here's some more of the details. Hard to make it out in the photo, but that's a nickel on the left. Here's some more....

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