Friday, March 2, 2007

...lots of work gettin' done. I am finished "mirroring" my panels. Pretty messy job, lots of saw dust. Only broke 01 panel,a 4a section today ( a crossmember), crappy plywood. I'll have to redo them tommorrow. Up until today, I was only able to do 2 sections a day (rough on the back). Been continuing with the "Deck" work. Alot of time involved so far. But it is looking good so far. Hopefully it will be worthwhile in the long run. I'm almost done with the "Old No. 7 Brand". I have fabricated the "Fighting Chair Gimbel" mounting system, it's aluminum plate, with stainless steel hardware. I've cut the 4" access plate hole through the cockpit floor. I worked on the Forward Cockpit Bulkhead wall. The access door is cut. The opening's reinforcing wood work was completed last night. Recessed Fish Finder box for the door is almost done. It should be completed, and installed this weekend. With any luck, by the beginning of the week, the hull assembly will begin.

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