Friday, February 9, 2007

The weather hasn't cooperated very well. Starting a project in the Winter, without having a heated workspace can cause delays. I finished drawing the Hull Panels and got one side of the kayak cut out. I still need to draw and cut the other side of the hull. Man, it's alot of drawing and cutting. I need to remember to buy a CNC Kit next time. For busy work, I designed a wood rudder system. I glued up a Maple and Walnut blank for the rudder blade and shaped it. The rudder pivot is oak and mahagony. It has been sanded down to 220 grit, and looks pretty good. Yesterday, I started a Deck design. I am planning on making a hybrid strip deck. I drew it to size and stareted cutting Mahogony and Wormey Maple strips. Tried a few color combinations out, by laying strips out on a poster board deck. Looks good. Now just to see if I can "Pull it Off". Hopefully it should be a busy weekend.

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